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About the East Perth Community Group

The East Perth Community Group (EPCG) is committed to the growth and development of the East Perth postcode area.
We support, manage and instigate projects that support our vision of a community where residents live rich and full lives, connected with one another.
A place where local businesses are well patronised and visitors find a warm welcome in a vibrant, and picturesque riverside village.
Join our community today.

previous EVENTS

Previous events
- Fri, 19 AprPerthFREE! Bring a picnic blanket or low chair and enjoy tunes on the Terrace. Food and beverages are available to purchase from Mama’s Bistro located next to the venue and free gelato is on offer.
- Fri, 08 MarPerthFREE! Bring a picnic blanket or low chair and enjoy tunes on the Terrace. Food and beverages are available to purchase from Mama’s Bistro located next to the venue and free gelato is on offer.
- Fri, 09 FebPerthFREE! Bring a picnic blanket or low chair and enjoy tunes on the Terrace. Food and beverages are available to purchase from Mama’s Bistro located next to the venue and free gelato is on offer.
- Thu, 04 MayThe WACA - Boundary RoomA COMMUNITY FACILITIES update meeting. Speakers: John Carey - MLA for Perth: East Perth Primary School Update Basil Zempilas - Lord Mayor, City of Perth: Rod Evans Centre Christina Matthews - CEO WACA: WACA Redevelopment Update This is a free ticketed event, get your tickets from our home page.
- Sun, 30 AprPerthBring the kids for an evening of fun in the amphitheatre. Disney Sundowner featuring Freddie and Little Miss Squeezebox FREE ICE CREAMS!
- Fri, 21 AprPerthThe second in our trio of Fairlanes Concerts will be our very own friends and family local band - The Cold and the Beautiful. With some East Perth locals in the band and their 2nd year at Fairlanes this team needs no introduction amazing turn out last year.
- Sun, 16 AprPerthThe Tonesmiths will be rocking the night away for their third year at the Amphitheater in East Perth. FREE EVENT! A City of Perth and EPCG collaboration. The first of trio of sessions Food and drink available Free ice cream too
- Thu, 16 FebPerthCome to our free EPCG Community Meeting at Perth City Farm. Listen to our special guests, enjoy a drink from the cash bar, food and music!
- Sat, 07 JanPerthJoin us every week throughout the year for a 40 minute walk and coffee afterwards. In the warmer months we meet at Victoria Gardens 7:00am every Wednesday and/or Saturday. No pressure and no RSVP required.
- Sun, 11 DecPerthBrass on the Grass is back with something a little different this year! Join us celebrating the festive season with a big bonanza of fun for all the family. Free entertainment, craft activities, games, and a visit from Santa. 🎄 Snacks and drinks available for purchase, or bring your own picnic!
- Mon, 14 NovPerthCome along to hear from our guest speakers and then socialize with your local neighbours and friends. Drinks available, please bring a plate to share. Music after the speakers by Jordan Boase Jazz Duo
- Thu, 29 SeptPerthSave the Date! Light refreshments to be served. Please RSVP before 23 Sept to assist with catering arrangements..
- Fri, 19 AugPerthCome along to our third City Sessions event for some great entertainment at the Fairlanes Amphitheatre!
- Thu, 21 AprPerthThe EPCG is hosting an open forum on community safety at the North Metro TAFE campus. 21 April, 6:00 - 7:15pm Minister John Carey, the City of Perth Alliance Manager and Perth District Superintendents will be available in an open discussion. Free tickets but must register, be quick!
- Thu, 03 MarEast PerthCome along and enjoy the company of your East Perth Community Group Members. Claisebrook Bar 5:00-7:00pm Wednesday, 2nd March 2022. Tickets available soon.
- Tue, 25 JanPerthThe free music continues with a concert at Victoria Gardens. The event is hosted by the City of Perth. Enjoy an evening filled with music, food stalls and entertainment for all ages.
- Fri, 21 JanPerthThe Tonesmiths are coming back for another free event at Fairlanes Amphitheatre. Grab a drink or a bite to eat at Mamma's Bistro,
- Wed, 08 DecPerth4:30 - Roving entertainment 5:00 - Welcome and official opening 5:30 - Music by Fragments 6:00 - Santa! 6:10 - EPCG Choir 7:10 - City of Perth Brass Band
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