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Finding Your Tribe

Updated: Jan 12, 2020

A focus of the East Perth Community Group is helping residents and business owners find their tribe. As detailed in our plan "East Perth 2020 Plus" a priority objective is to:

"Build connection and promote the special features and benefits of East Perth to and on behalf of its residents."

For different people, that means different things. Typically, government agencies divide a community into geographic zones or precincts. In the case of East Perth, the City of Perth manages service delivery into the precincts of East Perth and Claisebrook Village. The City of Vincent services the small section of East Perth north of the Goongoonup and Windan Bridges.

The community fabric is richer again. The East Perth postcode area comprises many neighbourhoods where residents and businesses share a common experience. Those include: Old Belvidere, North Cove, Constitution Hill, Haig Park Circle, Goderich Street, the WACA, Queens Riverside, Adelaide Terrace and Terrace Road. Individual apartment complexes such as Concerto Apartments, Vue Tower and Westralian Apartments run community events and provide vital connection to citywide programs.

Geography brings us together however it is not what creates connection. Shared issues, concerns and aspirations are the critical success factors. And the programs we provide need to be as diverse and agile as we are as a community. To that end, our efforts in 2020 will focus on:

1. Smaller events that cater to specific neighbourhoods eg Haig Park Circle Sausage Sizzle.

2. Better engagement of community organisations eg Trinity College students working on community projects such as murals as part of their studies and community service.

3. Neighbourhood recognition - such as the opportunity to promote the "hipster" businesses found near ABC Perth as a branded destination within East Perth.

4. East Perth Local - connecting local residents to local businesses with a loyalty card and access to special offers and discounts.

5. Resident segmentation - establishment of a Captain's Club in local restaurants for solo residents.

6. Next Gen - younger residents and workers have quite different needs to their parents and grandparents. We'll continue to advocate for infrastructure that better reflects the needs of a younger audience. LED lighting installations, a skate park, more play equipment and fresh events.

Our approach is not without its challenges. In a time poor world, we'll need community members to allocate some time to projects that appeal. But we reckon the payoff will be worth it. The growth in our membership gives us heart we are on the right track.

We will continue to play a leadership role and encourage you to let us know when we get it wrong. And when your ideas will improve our effort, please email, text, call or let us know in person.

As author Seth Godin notes, "A crowd is a tribe without a leader. A crowd is a tribe without communication. Most organisations spend their time marketing to the crowd. Smart organisations assemble the tribe.”



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