We invite you and yours to join us for the Teeniest Tiniest Festival in the World from 4.00pm to 7.00pm on Sunday 7 March 2021 in Victoria Gardens. Please note the date change in response to the recent lockdown.
The festival is inspired by the 2020 extended lockdown experience that saw many rediscover the joy in smaller everyday experiences. Admission is free.
The event is possible with a COVID Recovery Grant from the City of Perth and a number of sponsors including: East Perth Chiropractic Centre, John Carey MLA, LJ Hooker East Perth, Paws & Play, Rotary Club of Heirisson, Royal Street IGA, WA Performance School and WA Singapore Business Connect.
The event program will feature:

Little Miss Ukelele
Toy and Miniature Dog Show
Mini Golf Putting Tournament
Baby Billiards Competition
Tiny Tarot Card reader (Madame Tessuti)
Tiny & Tall String Orchestra
Sausage Sizzle by Rotary of Heirisson
Teeny Tiny Art Show
88 Royal (small Vietnamese snacks)
Little Performers from the WA Performance School
Community Raffle for St Bart's
Express stretch sessions

Attendees will be able to bid via silent auction for artworks by Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas, Deputy Lord Mayor, Sandy Anghie and local artists including Sarah Spooner, Rosalie Saxby and Andrew Hawes.
John Carey MLA will compere the Teeniest Tiniest Dog Show for toy and miniature breeds and little rescue pooches.

Please register with your canine friend at 4.00pm on the day next to the bandstand area in Victoria Gardens.
There will be plenty of food, fun and action in the park so bring a friend, family members and your sense of humour. We look forward to seeing you & yours there for what will be a fantastic gathering. And please keep in mind, to paraphrase Dr Suess, "A festival is a festival, no matter how small!"